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HERSHEY'S, HERSHEY-ETS Candy Coated Milk Chocolate Treats, Easter Candy, 2.2 oz, Carrot Bag
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HERSHEY'S, HERSHEY-ETS Candy Coated Milk Chocolate Treats, Easter Candy, 2.2 oz, Carrot Bag

Product ID: 509380122
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This Easter season, skip the plain candy and fill your snack drawers and gift baskets with treats dressed for the occasion. HERSHEY'S HERSHEY-ETS Easter candy in adorable bunny packaging is the perfect addition to any Easter celebrations. Use a spring-themed, bunny-wrapped treat as a party favor, basket stuffer or egg hunt grand prize to keep everyone in the holiday spirit. Attach Easter Bunny bags to your decorative baskets, work desk and snack displays to make the season extra special. For a fun kitchen adventure, try topping your favorite springtime baked goods with these chocolate morsels to give them an extra delicious candy crunch. With HERSHEY'S HERSHEY-ETS milk chocolate Easter candy, you can please the crowd at movie night by sharing a bunny carrot or giving each attendee their own bag of chocolates to snack on throughout the film. Peter Cottontail just wouldn't be the same without a creamy, crunchy chocolate candy treat by your side, and your loved ones are sure to agree! Contains one (1) 2.2-ounce bunny rabbit carrot bag filled with HERSHEY'S HERSHEY-ETS Candy Coated Milk Chocolate Candy Treats Bring an Easter-themed carrot bag of candy milk chocolates to work for lunch breaks, snacking whims and sharing moments Kosher-certified, candy-coated milk chocolate treats wrapped in an adorable bunny bag for freshness, fun and Easter festivity Celebrate Mother's Day gatherings, birthdays, weddings and baby showers throughout the Easter season with HERSHEY'S HERSHEY-ETS candies in adorable carrot-shaped bunny bags Use Easter Bunny carrot bags filled with milk chocolate candy treats as party favors and Easter basket stuffers throughout the season Arrive at movie night with a chocolate candy snack even Peter Cottontail himself would show up for

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago