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Messinas Squirrel Stopper Animal Repellent, 32oz Trigger Ready tp Use, Repels Squirrels and Chipmunks
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Messinas Squirrel Stopper Animal Repellent, 32oz Trigger Ready tp Use, Repels Squirrels and Chipmunks

Product ID: 506183066
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The key to keeping squirrels and chipmunks out of gardens, homes and structures is prevention. That's why we created our all natural Squirrel Stopper repellent. Our humane and safe Squirrel Stopper can be used indoors or out as it creates a sensory barrier that works by smell, taste and feel. Apply Squirrel Stopper every 30 days, regardless of weather or water. Pleasant to use as it dries clear and odor free, our liquid Squirrel Stopper is an excellent first line of defense against squirrels and chipmunks. Easy to Use - Stop squirrels and chipmunks from nesting, foraging and entering attics and other areas around your home. Simply spray a fine mist to apply. All Natural Ingredients - Safe to use around kids, pets, and vegetables, our plant-powered formula deters animals without using any harsh chemicals. Guaranteed effective for 30 days per application, regardless of rain, weather and watering. Small Animal Repellent - This highly effective solution is ready to use and repels squirrels and chipmunks. Safe for use around kids and pets when used as directed.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

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