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LeapFrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket, Role Play Toy for Infants
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LeapFrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket, Role Play Toy for Infants

Product ID: 460438737
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Learn about colors, shapes, manners and more while on a pretend picnic with the Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket. Lift the lid to hear cheerful phrases and unpack the 15 play pieces, including colorful plates, forks, cups and food. The interactive shape sorter on the lid recognizes the food pieces and says the shape and color of each one. Hear polite food requests and delightful learning songs by pressing the butterfly button. Drop the correct food in the basket for rewarding responses that encourage good manners. Learnings a picnic with this friendly basket! Features 15 brightly colored play pieces including plates, forks, cups, food and a tablecloth, perfect for a pretend picnic for two. Match the shape of the food pieces with the interactive shape sorter to hear the basket recognize the food and say the shape and color of each one. Press the butterfly button to hear music or polite snack requests from the picnic basket. Feed the basket the correct food for rewarding responses. Choose from three play modes including Music, Shapes and Colors and Picnic Time modes for a wide range of exciting and interactive activities. Picnic basket lights up and all the play pieces fit inside for easy storage.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Imran F.

Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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