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Komodo Orchid Plant with Gravel Base for Aquarium, Reptile or Fish Tank, Silk, 14 inches Tall
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Komodo Orchid Plant with Gravel Base for Aquarium, Reptile or Fish Tank, Silk, 14 inches Tall

Product ID: 460436912
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The Komodo Spider Orchid is an artificial rainforest ground plant. This lifelike plant has a gravel base that creates a realistic, natural looking habitat for reptiles and fish inside their tanks. The stem has wire inside to keep the leaves sturdy. This also allows for the flexibility of the plant to bend in different directions. Most reptiles and fish are resourceful in finding ways to hide from their natural predators and this plant provides a natural environment for reptiles or fish. This ornament enriches the fish tank or reptile environment and provides an ideal hiding place for the aquatic animals and for live food. The Komodo Spider Orchid can be placed in a freshwater or saltwater. Multipet Lifelike Komodo Orchid Plant for Habitats or Fish Tanks Realistic-looking Orchid Plant to enrich your pet's habitat  his lifelike plant with a gravel base creates a realistic, natural looking habitat for reptiles and fish inside their tanks pl  Made from Plastic and Silk materials  Easy to clean with soap and warm 

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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