Behringer RS-9 Rhythm Digital Sequencer Module with 10 Drum Channels for Eurorack
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Behringer RS-9 Rhythm Digital Sequencer Module with 10 Drum Channels for Eurorack

Product ID: 676862089
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RS-9Become a master beat-maker with the Behringer RS-9! Great for making rhythms on the fly, RS-9 includes: 10 drum channels and a 64-step sequencer.Less ThanbRGreater ThanComplete ControlThe RS-9 boasts features that work great for live beat creation in each of the sequencer modes including step repeat, note repeat, real-time triggering and live step-overdubbing. This makes it easy to enable recording in pattern mode, so you can build song structures on-the-fly and switch back to playback mode at the touch of a button.Less ThanbRGreater ThanPowerful and Feature-Rich SequencerThe RS-9 features a powerful 64-step sequencer. Store up to 64 patterns and 16 songs with a continuously variable swing allowing you to mimic a real drummer and give the beats you create a more human feel.Less ThanbRGreater ThanAdditional Features Pattern Mode - arrange full songs and set the number of repeats Song Mode - chain together songs for live sets Auto Scroll - improvise in all modesLess ThanbRGreater ThanEurorack ReadyRS-9 is designed to fit into a standard Eurorack case. Just connect the power cables to the power supply and mount the module using the included screws. This allows it to be mixed with other synth modules for a truly unique set up.Less ThanbRGreater ThanAn Amazing ValueReady to make beats and rhythms like never before? The Behringer RS-9 today is a great addition to your setup and is sure to help you get the crowd bouncing! Get yourself an RS-9 today!

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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